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Already sent leaks.
I am one of your classmates and I think you are talented but you should do something else.
From a friend of a friend.
I do not wear panties today, and I'm in the same office.
From a coworker.
I think it would be good for the company to make more parties with the team.
From a coworker.
I’d like to ask you to go out with me but I am afraid you’ll make fun of me.
From a friend of a friend.
You should wear your hair like that every day.
From a coworker.
One day you forgot some money just near me, and I kept it. Sorry.
From a friend of a friend.
You’re the sexiest and hottest manager I’ve ever had.
From a coworker.
We’re officially enemies but I wanted to say that you did a great job on our last project.
From a coworker.
Being with you is like drinking my first can of Coca Cola.
From a coworker.